Sigma Mu Lambda Installs its first slate of Officers

By Brother Gerry Baron
Published 13 July 2019 (King of Prussia, PA)
The newest Alumni Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in Pennsylvania installed its first slate of officers. Sigma Mu Lambda, the 958th House of Alpha was chartered in May 2019 to serve Montgomery and Chester Counties. The effort to establish a new chapter to serve the Philadelphia suburbs was initiated at a meeting of four members of the Fraternity in December 2017. The four grew to eight Charter Members and eighteen Founding Brothers.
Over the course of 18 months, these Brothers met to plan the establishment of the chapter. They believed that there was a need for the presence of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in the western suburbs of Philadelphia. Fellowship among the Brothers were an important part of the culture that they wanted to establish. The group sponsored several opportunities for Brothers in the area to come and meet the Founding Brothers and to learn of their plans.
The Founding Brothers are excited to embark on this new journey and confident in the team of leaders that has been selected to lead the first year of the Chapter's existence.