The Double Good Popcorn Scholarship Fundraiser has officially concluded. Our chapter results are strong--we raised more than $4,000 for scholarships!
A shout out of appreciation to all of the SML Brothers who set up pop up stores and/or made purchases and/or provided a donation for this worthy cause. As a Chapter, we raised $9,058 from 167 supporters between the window of 5:00PM EST on Wednesday, Nov. 15 through 5:00PM EST on Sunday, Nov. 19, 2023.
A special shout out to Bro. David Poindexter for his coordination of this amazing event and a special acknowledgement to Bro. Gerry Baron, whose $1,621 put him in first place as a top fundraiser. Brothers Jeff Rhodes ($1,612), David Poindexter ($1,484) and Napoleon Stephenson ($1,012) rounded out the top sellers earning $1,000 or more.
This fundraiser was fun - a friendly competition to benefit young African-American and/or Latinx male scholars in our chapter's local catchment area.
As a result of this effort, our Chapter will receive $4,529 towards our goal of $5-10K raised for student scholarships this fraternal year.
Brothers, enjoy your delicious popcorn, and thank you for your service!
If you missed the DoubleGood popcorn fundraiser, do not fret! You can still make tax-deductible donations to our scholarship fund via our Annual Scholarship Drive.
Annual Scholarship Drive
Note: The Educational Activities Committee is led by Bro. Jeff Rhodes. Job well done to Bro. Rhodes and his team!